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  • Students are expected to make proper use of the library absolute silence is to be mentioned both in the library and Reading room.
  • Only one book can be borrowed at a time periodicals and reference books are not issued.
  • Delay in returning the book taken from the library will entail a fine of Rs. 2/- per day.
  • Books scribbled upon, torn or otherwise damaged or defaced or lost must be paid for, at a rate to be determined by the Principal.
  • Physical defects of a book if any must be brought to the notice of the librarian by the students borrowing it at the time of its issue, otherwise the student borrowing will be responsible for it.
  • The borrower’s card if not transferable and the exchange of books among the students is strictly forbidden.
  • A student, withdrawing from the school is requested to clear his/her library dues in time.